Domestic and Commercial Solutions

Making Borehole Water Work For You

Drillco is a high technology operation offering a holistic approach to underground water sourcing, drilling, exploration and water management.

Call Drillco Borehole & Maintenance


+27 21 701 0337

Drillco Borehole & Maintenance location


Unit C4, 11 Celie Road, Retreat

Drillco Borehole & Maintenance Operating hours


8am – 5pm

Available Monday to Friday

Our Services:

We are a specialized deep well drilling company with a reputation of having an innovative, persevering approach to solving complex problems encountered in the drilling process.

Clients who have benefited from our successful drilling, range from private property/land owners, to small rural communities, farmers, mining houses and government/councils, specialist engineers and industrial corporations.

Installation Pumps
Maintenance - Servicing
Water Storage
Filtration Systems

Domestic Solutions

  • Are your water costs spiraling out of control?
  • Would you love to have a beautiful, lush garden, all year round?
  • Looking for a service oriented, technically expert company to advise you on long-term requirements for your existing or new property?

Minimize your dry season headaches by strategic and well thought out plans for finding, storing, pumping and using Groundwater in your Garden.

Commercial Solutions

  • Do you have an industrial or technical requirement for extra water or a solar powered system in an industrial or commercial setting?
  • Do you need the advice and expertise of the most established and experienced Borehole Drilling company in the Western Cape?

Drillco conforms to the design and construction of boreholes as set out by the Borehole Water Association of Southern Africa, of which we are an active member.

An enviable reputation in the Western Cape

Hennings Drilling, trading as Drillco, has an enviable reputation in the Western Cape, as one of the oldest and most reliable borehole and pump companies…


Water Management Source



Service Areas

We Serve The Entire Western Cape

Hennings Drilling, trading as Drillco, has an enviable reputation in the Western Cape, as one of the oldest and most reliable borehole and pump companies.

Western Cape borehole services

“Thanks to Drillco, who installed , within budget, within the time frame, 60m deep, double holding tanks, submersible pump and irrigation booster line pump, plus related electronics. The bore irrigation system has reduced my domestic water bill by 80%. Drillco, I salute your Team, and recommend Drillco to all my contacts.”

—Paul Rothman


Understanding How It Works

Why should you install a borehole or well point?

A borehole/wellpoint will:

  • Save valuable portable water
  • Save you money, as your garden consumes the bulk of your water bill
  • Relieve the strain on our natural environment
  • Add value to your property
What is a borehole?

A borehole is used where the water table is deep, solid rock is present as well as deep layers of decomposed granite, shale or sandstone.

A large drill rig is required in most cases and the hole is drilled with either mud rotary in sand and decomposed granite or air percussion in solid rock.

If boulders are present then the hole will be started with an Odex drilling method and once drilled past the boulders then the drilling reverts to mud rotary or air percussion.

Most boreholes in Cape Town are between 40 and 80 meters, but can exceed 100 m in some areas.

This is the most expensive way of finding water, but in many areas the only viable alternative.

Some areas where boreholes are needed:  Simonstown, Noordhoek, Constantia, Bishopscourt, Tokai, Claremont, Newlands, Durbanville, Stellenbosch, Somerset West and Rondebosch.

What about using grey water to water my garden?

This has limitations as you can only water as much as you bath or shower and when an average family of four use less than 1000 Lt per day, this is not nearly enough to water your garden.

Although every bit does help.

The other drawback on grey water is that you have to use it every day because if the water stands it turns septic.

What is a well point and how does it work?

A well point is a (25m or 32mm) plastic irrigation pipe jetted with steel pipes into the sand, to the required depth for the area.  The 25m or 32mm Class 6 black irrigation pipe is then inserted down the metal pipe to the required depth.  The steel pipes are then removed leaving behind the black pipe.

The well point pipes has a plug on the end and fine slots cut into the pipe to draw in water.  The amount of slots depends on the depth of the well point.

The pump sits on the surface and has a non-return valve to stop it losing pressure.  The success of your wellpoint is determined by the water table.  If the water table is below 9m atmospheric pressure will not allow you to suck up the water.

The geology must be sand.  Coarse sand gives higher yields than fine sand.  The seepage rate through the sand determines the yield so geologies like clay and compact fine sand do not work, even if the water table is high.

Places where wellpoints work are: Tableview, Milnerton, Cape Flats, Lakeside, Tokai, Fish Hoek, Noordhoek, Plumstead and Southfield, to name a few.

Well points are very cost effective and are one of the cheapest ways to water your garden if the geology allows it.

What is a mini borehole?

A mini borehole is used where the water table is just too deep for a wellpoint or higher yields are needed in the sandy geologies.

These depths vary between 18m to 36m and are constructed of PVC casing normally 125mm and even bigger.  They can also be jetted like the well point but are normally drilled with a small drill rig.

There are still technically a borehole and submersible pumps are installed for best efficiency.  A deep well pump can also work but is not recommended.

Areas where mini boreholes work are Constantia Hills, Lower parts of Constantia. Tokai, Bergvliet, Noordhoek, Milnerton, Tableview and Kenilworth.

Types of geology also impacts the flow.

I've heard that rain water tanks are a great eco solution?

The major limitation with this plan is that it rains in winter when you don’t need the water.

A rainwater tank of 5000 Lt would take about three or four days to empty,  then would stand empty until it rains again.  Sometimes not for many weeks or months.  They are also big and cumbersome.

Although there is a need to save and conserve water where we can.  This does work well to collect drinking water or where small consumption of water is required.

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Water Storage


Well Points


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